
access note: I do my best to ensure all art on this page has an image description in the alt text. learn more about image descriptions for art here.

justice related art

stickers & prints

dog portraits

cat portraits

special pet portraits

pixel art

barn quilt blocks

faux 3D portraits

A teal disabled mermaid with a yellow bob and purple tail holds her arm stumps high in a celebratory fashion.

art about embodiment

portrait with emoji

simple narrative gif

simple wiggle gif

logo prototypes

drawing of elderflower and cornflowers on a yellow background

phone wallpapers

colorblock prints

Russian suprematist movement inspired pieces

A drawing of four thrips facing each other with hearts around them. The drawing looks as if it was created on black to rainbow scratch paper.

insect art

"draw this in your style" challenges

tiled patterns

simple sketches

digital collage


2023 is the year of zines! Check them out over at my new designated zines page!

what is a zine?

A zine is a self-published, non-commercial print-work that is typically produced in small, limited batches.  Zines are created and bound in many DIY ways, but traditionally editions are easily reproduced—often by crafting an original “master flat,” and then photocopying, folding, and stapling the pages into simple pamphlets.  Zines may also be sewn, taped, glued—or even exist in unbound and other non-folio formats.  The main rule is that there are no rules!

People who create zines [“zinesters”] are likely to be more motivated by self-expression and artistic passion than they are by profit: zines are usually inexpensive and sometimes distributed for free or in trade for other zines, goods, and services.  The history of zines is vast and fascinating: read more about it here.

Zines can touch on a variety of topics from music and art, to politics, sexuality, humor and personal memoir.  Their content may be written, drawn, printed, collaged, or any other form of combining words and imagery—a zine’s structure may be narrative, journalistic, comic-like, or completely abstract.

definition via The Bindery MKE

Spring 2022 Fundraiser

How much did we raise from BIG STINKY FLOWER shirts and the design?

We raised $360 from shirts in coordination with Madison Minutes! I also sold rights to my design to Olbrich Botanical Gardens for $250! You can check out their gift shop for magnets and stickers!

In total, we raised $610 ! $215 went to the Women's Medical Fund Wisconsin, and $215 went to the Black Mamas Matter Alliance

Thank you to everyone for supporting!